авторов  и  названия  докладов  на  международных конференциях по
теории  информации  и  кодирования в 1993-1994 гг., которые можно
найти   в  сборниках  трудов  [1-5].  Ъ21994  IEEE  International
Symposium on Information Theory Trondheim, Norway, June 27 - July
1,  1994  Aoyama, K., and Iwadare, Y. (Japan) Several Information
Theretic   Approaches   to   Signiture   Analysis   Problems   on
Fault-Tolerant  Computing  da  Rocha,  V.C. (Brazil) A Secret-Key
Cipher Based on Linear Complementary Codes Desmedt, Y., and Yung,
M.  (USA)  Minimal Cryptosystems and Defining Subliminal-Freeness
Klapper,A.,  and  Goresky,M.  (USA)  Feedback  with  Carry  Shift
Registers:  2-Adic  Models  and  Summaion  Соmbiners  Yamamto, H.
(Japan)  Rate-Distortion  Theory  for  the Shannon Cipher Systems
Bennett,C.H.  (USA),  Brassard,G.  (Canada), Crepeau,C. (France),
and  Maurer,U.M.  (Switzerland) Generalized Privacy Amplification
Gander,MJ. (USA), and Maurer,U.M. (Switzerland) On the Secret Key
Rate   of  Binary  Random  Variable  Ahlswede,R.  (Germany),  and
Zhang,Z.  (USA)  Identification via Wiretap Channels van Dijk, M.
(The  Netherlands)  On  the  Information  Rate  of Perfect Secret
Sharing  Scheme Desmedt, Y. (USA) Subliminal-Free Sharing Schemes
Blundo,  K.,  de  Santis, K., Gaggia,A.G., and Vaccaro,U. (Italy)
Lower  Bounds  in  Secret  Sharing Schemes Johansson, T. (Sweden)
A2-Codes and Codes for the Rank Metric Gehrmann, C. (Sweden) Long
Message  Authentication  using Pseudo-Random Fuctions Alobaddi,M.
(Saudi  Arabia),  and  Wicker,S.B. (USA) Suseptibility of Digital
Signiture  Schemes  Based  on Error-Correcting Codes to Universal
Forgery  Tanaka,  H.  (Japan)  Security  Certified Identity-Based
Non-Interactive  Key Sharing Blundo,C., Cresti,F., and Vacarro,U.
(Italy)   Key   Distribution   Schemes  Sidelnikov,V.M.  (Russia)
Exponentiaion-Based  Key  Generation  Using Noncommutative Groups
Rico,  F.,  and  Sanvicente,  E.  (Spain)  A Very Fast Method for
Verifying  Digital  Signatures  Charnes,  C.,  Pierprzyk.,K., and
Safari-Naini,R.  (Australia) Families of Threshold Schemes Ъ21994
IEEK  International  Workshop  on Information Theory Moscow, July
3-8,  1994  Bassalygo,L.A.,  and Burnashev,M.V. (Russia) Estimate
for   Maximal   Number  of  Messages  for  Given  Probability  of
Successful  Deception  da  Rocha, V C. (Brazil) Enchacing Certain
Block  Ciphers  by  Using  Affine  Transformations Korjik,V., and
Yakovlev,V.  (Russia)  On  the  Use  of Privacy Amplification and
Wire-Tap   Channel   Concept   for   Protection   of  Information
Transmission Panchenko, V.I. (Russia) How to Find Numbers for RSA
Cryptosystem Ъ2Sixth Joint Swedish-Russian International Workshop
on  Information  Ъ2Theory  Moelle,  Sweden,  August  22-27,  1993
Massey,J.L.  (Switzerland)  Minimal  Cohewords and Secret Sharing
Germann,  C.  (Sweden)  Sequential  Cryptographic Codes Providing
Secrecy  and  Authentication  Krouk,E.  (Russia) A New Public Key
Cryptosystem  Landgev,  L.N. (Bulgaria) Some Aspects of Anonymity
of  Communications Bossert, M., Mahr, C., and Heilig,M. (Germany)
Concatenation   of   Error   Correcting   Codes   and  Cryptology
Gabidulin,E.M. (Russia), and Kjelsen,O. (Switzerland) Randomizing
the   Public   Key   for  Improving  Performances  of  Public-Key
Cryptosystems  Ъ2The  Workshop  on Information Protection Moscow,
December   6-9,   1993   Sidelnikov,V.M.,   Cherepnev,M.A.,   and
Yaschenko,V.V.  (Russia)  The  Key  Distribution  System Based on
Noncommutative  Group  Alabbadi,  M.,  and  Wicker, S.B. (France)
Susceptibility    of   Digital   Signature   Schemes   Based   on
Error-Correcting   Codes   to  Universal  Forgery  Gabidulin,E.M.
(Russia),  and  Kjelsen,O. (Switzerland) Public Key Cryptosystems
Based   on   Large  Alphabets  Raybko,  B.  (Russia)  A  Reliable
Secret-Key Ciphersystem Based on the Fast Data Compression Method
Shtarkov,   Yu.A.   (Russia)   About  Randomization  and  Secrecy
Afanasyev,  V.B. (Russia) A New Algorithm for Fast Exponentiation
Mihaljevic,   M.J.   (Yugoslavia)   On   Messages  Protection  in
Cryptosystems  Modelled  as  the  Generalized  Wire-Tap ChannelII
Blackley,G.R.   (U.S.A.),  and  Kabatianskii,G.  (Russia)  Linear
Algebra  Approach to Secret Shearing Schemes Shekhunova,N.A., and
Bezzateev,S.V. (Russia) Multilevel Cryptosystem Based on Embedded
Goppa  Codes  Anosov,V.D.,  Leonov,V.A.,  and Lunin,A.V. (Russia)
Certification  and  Standardization  of  Cryptographic  Means  of
Protecting    Information   Следующие   статьи,   основанные   на
материалах,  представленных  на  семинаре,  опубликованы  в  [6]:
Artamonov, V.A., Klyachko, A.A., Sidelnikov, V.M., and Yaschenko,
V.V.   Algebraic  Aspects  of  Key  Generation  Systems,  pp.1-5.
Alabbadi,M.,  and Wicker,S.B. Susceptibility of Digital Signature
Schemes  Based  on  Error-Correcting  Codes to Universal Forgery,
pp.6-12. Mihaljevic, M.J. On Messages Protection in Cryptosystems
Modelled  as  the  Generalized  Wire-Tap  ChannelII,  pp.  13-24.
Gabidulin,E.M.,    and    Kjelsen,O.    How    to    Avoid    the
Sidelnikov-Shestakov   Attack,   pp.25-32.   Blackley,G.R.,   and
Kabatianskii,G.   Linear  Algebra  Approach  to  Secret  Shearing
Schemes,    pp.33-40.   Ъ2The   Forth   Joint   Russian-Bulgarian
International   Workshop   on   Ъ2Information  Theory,  Novgorod,
Sept,ember 11- 1 7, 1994. Korjik,V.I., and Merinivich Y. (Russia)
A  Key  Distribution  Scheme Based on BIB-Design Theory Ashikhmin
A.,  and Barg A. (Russia) Combinatorial Aspects of Secret Sharing
with   Codes   Ъ2Литература   1.   Proceedings   of  1  994  IEEE
International Symposium on Information Theory, Trondheim, Norway,
June 27 - July 1, 1994. 2. Proceedings of 1994 IEEE International
Workshop  on  Information Theory, Moscow, Russia, July 3-8, 1994.
3.  Proceedings  of the Sixth Joint Swedish-Russian International
Workshop  on  Information Theory, Moelle, Sweden, August 22 - 27,
1993.  4.  The  Workshop on Information Protection - Abstracts of
Papers, Moscow, Russia, December 6-9, 1993. 5. Proceedings of the
Forth   Joint   Russian-Bulgarian   International   Workshop   on
Information  Theory,  Novgorod, Russia, September 11-17, 1994. 6.
"Error  Control, Cryptology, and Speech Compression", Workshop on
Information  Protection,  Moscow,  Russia,  December  6-9,  1993,
Selected  papers.  Lecture  Notes  in  Computer  Science,  N 829,
Spriger-Verlag, 1994. Источник: Ъ2ЗАЩИТА ИНФОРМАЦИИЪ0 Ъ2N 2, 1994

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